Amelia Love Johnson High School
Parent Teacher Association
The A.L Johnson High School PTA is a volunteer group of parents and teachers, led by an elected board.
Our mission as parents and teachers is to partner together to provide a thriving academic environment and enrichment programs for all kids and to promote a strong ALJ community.
The PTA goals are:
- Build a healthy and nurturing school community;
- Cultivate a collaborative environment through effective communication;
- Enhance academic and enrichment programs; and
- Support classrooms through room parents and a volunteer network.
The PTA serves four primary roles:
2. Social/Community-building
3. Fostering communication within the ALJ community
4. Fundraising (to support our mission and goals)
Your PTA membership and participation throughout the year help our school tremendously.

- President
Leads the PTA towards specific goals chosen by the members; helps sets the vision for the PTA; appoints committee and event chairs; works closely with the Principal; creates agendas for and presides at Executive Board and General meetings; works with the treasurer and executive board on developing and implementing budget; attends monthly Council meeting, serves as ex-officio member of all committees; trouble-shoots in all areas of PTA/school involvement.
Executive Vice-President
Oversees Events and Activities; Partners with the President in fulfilling duties; Performs duties of the President in his/her absence; oversees events and activities by working closely with chairman and/or event overseer; partners with Room Parent Coordinator in overseeing organization and implementation of volunteers.
Vice President (5 positions – various responsibilities):
Room Parent Program Coordinator
Recruits room parents for each class; organizes and trains volunteer Room Parents
Ways and Means (Fundraising) Coordinator
Coordinates all major school fundraisers; researches fundraiser ideas; works with fundraising companies; helps committees in forming goals and proposed calendar for the year; work with room parent coordinator and executive VP to recruit adequate volunteers at all fundraisers; make a report to the general membership after each event.
Membership Coordinator
Create a membership drive theme; coordinate membership drive in the fall; set up a booth at the Back to School BBQ; maintain records of members; pass out membership cards as they arrive.
Publicity and Outreach Coordinator
Partnering with Communication Coordinator to build communication within the school and the community.
Partnering with the Publicity and Outreach Coordinator in building communication within the school and community. Working with School Principal, staff and PTA to better reach our whole community via website, weekly email updates, calendar.
Recording Secretary
Keeps and prepares minutes of all meetings.
Keeps financial books in order, receives all payment vouchers and writes all checks for payment of bills; receives all cash and other income and makes bank deposits; chairs the budget committee; remits PTA membership dues and other fees to the PTA council; makes a monthly financial report; keeps the membership informed of all items relating to the PTA finances; works closely with the President and other event chairs; prepares books for semi-annual audit.
Takes pictures at all PTA events; keeps a record of all PTA events for the year; updates the Historical Binder after each event.
Twice a year audits the books.
Parliamentarian (Non-voted position – appointed by the exec. Board)
Updates bylaws and is familiar with PTA guidelines.