Amelia Love Johnson High School Library
Librarian: Mrs. Anna Bedsole
Phone: 334-627-3364 Email:

Meet our "Library Godmother,"
Mrs. Elsa Brule from New York City.
For over 2 years she has given thousands of new books, new furniture, carpet, bookshelves and more.
Her passion to develop the true love of reading in our students.
She has given so we can give back by encouraging all students to read!!
Amelia Love Johnson Library Media Center
The Library Media Center supports the Alabama State Course of Study, the basis of our school curriculum program, and the Information Literacy Skills published by the American Association of School Librarians and the
American Library Association.
Our Mission Statement For ALJ Library
“Our library is committed to providing quality print and electronic resources while fostering information literacy skills through effective research and retrieval as well as developing a lifelong love of reading.”
Amelia Love Johnson Library Media Center provides open access for all students. The Library Media Center uses Surpass as its automated management system.
Teachers may send students to the LMC at any time during the school day to check out books. Research time is arranged for all students. Because collaborative planning between the classroom teacher and the Library Media Specialist is important to the learning process for all students, the Library Media Center is an extension of the classroom. Through collaborative planning, students have the chance to experience knowledge through varied learning opportunities. Students and teachers have access to the Alabama Virtual Library for projects and research.
Books are checked out for 7 days for k-6th and 2 weeks for high school (or other arrangements made with the staff). No books will be checked out to students who have overdue books.
Research Resources
Atlapedia Online contains full color physical maps, political maps as well as key facts and statistics on countries of the world.
Alabama Maps
Alabama Maps is an ongoing project of the Cartographic Research Laboratory, which operates under the auspices of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Alabama. This web site is divided into three sections: the Contemporary Map Index, the Historical Map Archive, and the Aerial Photography Index.
Occupational Outlook Handbook
The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a nationally recognized source of career information, designed to provide valuable assistance to individuals making decisions about their future work lives.
Homework Help
Homework Alabama
This service offers free homework help from subject specialists. Available Everyday from 3 p.m. until Midnight
Alabama Virtual Library
This site is provided by the Alabama legislature as a free service to every Alabamian. AVL provides online access to essential library and information resources with databases including bibliographic records as well as full text of books and articles.
Library of Congress for Kids
Log on, play around. Learn something.
Hippo Campus
Great multimedia and course materials that can help you with your homework and studies
Fact Monster
Homework help for kids. We hope you find it useful and hope you continue to use it for reliable, up-to-date reference information, background information on top news stories, special sports and entertainment features, and more.
Elementary Links
Primarily designed for first grade, is also useful for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and second grade. Starfall is perfect for Home Schooling.
Accelerated Reader Web Address
Online access to over 100,000 Accelerated Reader tests that can be taken at home or school
Storyline Online
Online read alouds to improve children reading, writing and communication skills, as well as inspire a love of reading.
News and Information
U.S. Post Office Zip Codes
Find a zip code for any city in any state.
National Weather Service
National Weather Service Provides up-to-date weather information regarding warnings and forecasts while using national maps, radar, and satellites.
Research Paper Helps
MLA Style Guidelines
Site presents Modern Language Association authorized guidelines for citing Web sources in scholarly and research papers.
American Psychological Association Style Guide
APA's style rules and guidelines for writing research and term papers.
Parent Information
The Student Guide to Federal Aid
A comprehensive resource on student financial aid from the U.S. Department of Education. Grants, loans, and work-study are the three major forms available. This site links to FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
Books & Authors
Need something to read? Check out these suggestions from Scholastic Books!